Amy, age 47

One of the main issues I’ve had since being run over by a bus in Mexico (actually happened) is that of lack of sustained energy and general fatigue preventing me from normal activity. I noticed immediately after the first day on Sun Horse, a calm feeling, almost like having a glass of wine, very mellow. The next day, however, when I woke up to try to take my usual beach run of 20 min, I felt calm energy for a very long time. I ran for about an hour, had no appetite, went to work and felt great all day after only eating an apple and drinking plenty of water. Went for another run after work and had a light dinner. I wasn’t overly hungry like usual. I drank lots of water throughout the day as instructed. I usually crave sugar or coffee in the afternoon, that craving was gone. I slept so good that night.

I continue to have a calm energy that allows me to do pretty much whatever I want. I love not craving sugar and not being overly hungry. I seem to be satisfied with light meals and lots of water. It takes about 3 days for it to have the same level of effectiveness if I don’t take it for a while. I try not to be without it because it’s worth every penny to have the energy to do things I want to do and have a “normal” appetite for healthy foods. Some other benefits I’ve noticed is my skin looking better, my mental clarity and better sleep.  – Amy

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