Bruno F

I started taking Sun Horse elixir about 4 months ago. I was helping some friends move, and somebody brought it over before we began moving. I was about to have an energy drink, but I was encouraged to try Sun Horse instead. The results were amazing. I was revitalized, had lots of energy, and did not crash. We moved my friends into an upstairs unit for 5 hours straight, and I never felt tired or groggy. I have been taking Sun Horse daily, usually before lifting weights at the gym. I have noticed increased stamina, concentration, and best of all strength. I’m probably lifting 40% heavier than I was before I started taking Sun Horse. Also, whenever I do any aerobic exercise, such as my tennis, I notice that if I take Sun Horse right before, I have more stamina and I’m able to stay in the points longer. Overall I would recommend Sun Horse to anyone looking to increase their stamina and strength. – Bruno F

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